Friday, 25 February 2011

MoU with federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed on 21st November 2009 between the Universidade Federal De Sao Paulo- UNIFESP and the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives for the establishment of an academic and exchange program

In September 2009 Geshe Lhakdor was invited to Brazil to give some teachings in the Federal University of Sao Paulo, as well as participate in the general meeting that involved the international directory of the University. This important assembly aimed to establish scientific and other exchanges between the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives and the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), in the same terms that was established in 2008 between the Meen-Tsee- Khang and UNIFESP. Since then a conversation was held to support the further agreement between the two institutions, and  in 2010 an official document of agreement was signed that certified this interchange.

We already have started program of exchange between the two institutions. In 2009 Geshe gave Lhakdor teachings to general public of the UNIFESP, as well as to a selected group of scientists from the same institution.

He also gave public teachings in the Palas Athenas Institute, which is a nonprofit institute which teaches philosophical subjects and also helps maintain the interchange between UNIFESP and LTWA, and also UNIFESP and Meen-Tsee- Khang.
Geshe Lhakdor finished his visit in Brazil in 2009 with a 3 days retreat, where he talked about meditation and compassion.

The main team related to the interchange between LTWA AND UNIFESP:
1. UNIFESP: Luiz Eugênio A. M. Mello (Depto. de Fisiologia- Unifesp):
Elisa Harumi Kozasa: (Depto. de Psicobiologia- Unifesp)
Anaflávia de Oliveira Freire: (Depto. de Psicobiologia- Unifesp)

2. Vera Salvadori (Assessoria Internacional):
Lia Diskin (Associação Palas Athena):

3. LIBRARY: Geshe Lhakdor (Library of Tibetan Works and Archives)